Boise Basin Quilters’ Newsletter

Newsletters keep us informed! You will find information about the upcoming month’s program and activities, articles of interest and advertisements for quilted related products and services.
The newsletter is ready every month just a few days after the Board meeting, which is held on the first Tuesday of the month.

Currently, about 1,400 people are subscribed to receive the newsletter via email, including over 300 BBQ members.

The current newsletter is posted below. Prior newsletters are available under the Members Login page.

June 2024 Newsletter

geometric purple quilt

Quilt and photo by __

Advertise with Us

Procedures for submitting advertisements for publication

  • Ads for quilt-related items are accepted and must be prepaid
  • Deadline for ad copy is the last Wednesday of the month
  • To place an ad, please email photos and/or information to
BBQ Member Non-Member
– Full page: $40 – Full page $80
– Half page: $20 – Half page: $40
– Quarter page: $10 – Quarter page: $20